Premium Tutors' Assignment Application
Kindly fill up the form below & submit it to us to apply for any of our available assignments!
Current Occupation:
Helpful Information to include in Tutoring Profile.
Please list down the following info in as much detail as possible to increase your chances of securing the assignment!
1. Your A/O Level Grades for the relevant subject(s).
2. Years of experience as a tutor
3. How many students are you currently teaching for the relevant level/subject
4. Average grade improvements of students
5. Whether you are able to prepare your own materials
6. Previous tuition centre/schools you have taught at (if any)
7. Any other helpful information (such as if u have testimonials from other students/clients)
8. For online assignments, do you have any experience tutoring online? If so, on what platform(s).
Thanks for submitting! We’ll get back to you if you're shortlisted.