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Looking for a tutor for your N level examination?

Here at Premium House Tutor, our Top Rated tutors are highly skilled in teaching Secondary Level students sitting for their NA/NT Level Examinations ensuring you will achieve your desired grades! Lessons available everywhere & anywhere in Singapore. 

Find the best tutor to help you for N Levels in less than 24 hours!


Request for a tutor by calling us, Whatsapp us at 81256253 or fill up the enquiry form below!


Select your desired tutor from the suggested pool of tutors with stellar track records. 


You can start having one-to-one classes with our tutors!



Why choose Premium Tutors for N Level Tuition? 


Start Anytime, anywhere

Pay only per lesson!

At Affordable rates


Access to more than 10,000 experienced tutors

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 available for na & nt level

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N Level Rates

N Level Tuition in Singapore

Upon entering secondary school, primary school students are placed to different streams eg, Express, NA (Normal Academic) and NT (Normal Technical) which is based on their PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) results. 


After 4 years of secondary school education, every Secondary 4 NA & NT students has to undergo the N Level exams (and/or GCE O Level exam after five years) and that is ultimately the entrance exam for them to enter post-secondary level education. During this period, it is without a doub that students would have to face multiple obstacles especially if they think they are not well-equipped to sit for the N Level examinations.

With our Database of more than 5000+ Active Tutors, we are sure we will be able to help you find the most suitable N Level Tutor for your learning needs and budget.

Highly Qualified and Experienced Tutors

Young Businesswoman

Each year, it is without doubt that trying to achieve good grades for N levels in Singapore gets tougher and tougher because the pool of students striving for an A in their subjects is significantly high. This would only be possible if they have an experienced tutor in teaching N level students so they are able to be guided on tips and tricks on how to ace their exams. 


Our 1-1 N Level Tutors are able to provide extremely intense revision, past examination papers, and not forgetting crash courses whichever method they think would be suitable tailored for your child’s learning. On top of it, feel free to reach out to us to enquire on having more lessons in regards to dates closer to exams.

1-1 Private Tuition Is Definitely Effective

We understand many tuition centres conduct N Level tuition in groups, however when it comes to effectiveness, it would definitely be better if it's a 1-1 guiding and coaching. Having the right tutor to walk through your child’s mistakes so they will be able to correct it on the spot and move on faster to the following chapters.  


With Premium House Tutor, our pool of teachers consists of Part Time/Full Time/MOE Trained tutors specialised in the N Level examinations and they are highly equipped to ensure your child receives only the best educational coaching for their studies.

School Students Stairwell

N Level Subjects






Social Studies

E/A Mathematics





Students Between Classes

How does N LEVELS tuition help students?


Having tutors specialised in teaching Secondary Levels especially N Level students to help you build a strong foundation.


Constructive Feedback & Confidence Booster


Our Secondary Level Tutors are up to date with the N Level syllabus


Able to provide materials for different subjects.

Advantages of N LEVELS tuition 


When it comes to extra coaching & guidance for the N Levels exam for NA & NT level students, parents often times would reach out to tuition centres for help. Although the rates are relatively a bit more cheaper in comparison to a 1-1 private tutor, in terms of delivering and producing excellent results, a 1-1 private tutor would be more beneficial.


It doesn’t matter if the tuition centre is well known among parents because at the end of the day, they are unable to give your child the 100% undivided attention they deserve as they have to divide their time equally among the other students as well.


In Premium House Tutor, we are Singapore’s leading tuition agency that produces the premium standard of education, service and best rates you can wish for! Our pool of well-equipped Secondary level tutors are well trained to give your child the premium standard of N Level tuition they deserve. Simply roll over to our “Find A Tutor” page and fill up the form & wait for a response back from our team!


We hope that every parent will be rest assured that your child is in good hands with our tutors, we would like to make N Level tuition available to everyone hence online lessons are readily available too for your convenience!

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