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Why Private Tutoring Is Preferred For Music Lessons

Why Private Tutoring Is Preferred For Music Lessons

Music is a source of joy, expression, and comfort for many. Knowing how to play your favourite songs or recite a piece well brings feelings of accomplishment and excitement difficult to find elsewhere. However, self-learning how to play music on an instrument can be difficult and challenging, considering the theory and intricate movements many instruments require to play.

Playing any instrument is a passion that can be cultivated in children. A private tutor who possesses the right approach can develop them into competent players with a lifelong love and appreciation for music, alongside the many cognitive benefits such a pursuit can bring.

Ever wondered why most music lessons are conducted on a 1-to-1 basis? Here are some reasons why music is best learnt in a private tutoring arrangement!

Flexibility of schedule

Unlike music schools that often operate for a certain number of hours each day, private tutors offer flexible arrangements that can accommodate your child’s school and extra-curricular commitments.

Such flexibility allows for your child to approach music in a well-rested and receptive condition, enabling them to not just see music lessons as another commitment, but instead as an opportunity to build a love for what could sum up to a lifelong passion.

Customisation in curriculum

The best way to encourage a love for music in your child is to let them pursue the genres they love. Private music lessons allow for a degree of customisation that group classes just can’t deliver! Be it pop, rock or jazz, many private tutors develop specific curriculums suited to genre preferences in order to cater to what your child wants to learn.

As many private music tutors come from specific genre backgrounds themselves, it can be beneficial to look around for one who possesses the relevant background in order to impart the best techniques to your child.

Personalised attention

Strong technical basics and an understanding of music theory are the foundations to truly pursue and enjoy music as a fulfilling hobby. A private tutor can keep a close eye on your child to make sure they are progressing the right way. Aside from imparting good fundamental knowledge, a private tutor can also fine-tune your child’s playing style towards the chosen genre.

Personalised attention also allows for your child to take his or her time to adequately grasp the basic core mechanics of the instrument, as compared to group classes that have a fixed curriculum. Allowing your child to learn at their own pace leaves little opportunity for gaps in their knowledge to build up and compromise the quality of their learning.


Given all the reasons why a private tutor works better when it comes to music lessons, you may want to consider hiring one from the robust roster that Premium Tutors has.

Besides competent Primary English tutors and comprehensive home tuition for economics in Singapore, Premium Tutors offer music lessons from experienced, skilled, and passionate tutors such as violin, piano and guitar to cultivate the little musician in your child!

For more information, feel free to contact us today!

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