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Study Burnout: What It Is And How You Can Avoid It

It goes without saying that school is tough. Even as you strive to do your best and complete your revisions for your examinations, you may experience study burnout. In fact, most students experience study burnout at least once in their academic journey.

To learn more about what study burnouts are and how to avoid them, keep on reading!

What is study burnout?

Study burnout is a state of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion where you feel fatigued, unmotivated, and low in energy. It is typically the result of weeks or months of studying or working on the same project.

It is worth noting that burnout should not be confused with the odd feeling of frustration after hours of studying. It is more of a chronic ailment brought on by protracted study or academic activity.

Besides exhaustion and a loss of motivation, study burnout may contribute to a poorer academic performance as students may fall behind and will not be able to do their best in their exam preparations.

How to avoid study burnout

Tip #1: Maintain a balance between your hobbies and studies

If you think that scheduling time into your day for your hobbies is a waste of precious study time, think again!

Many students tend to feel guilty about setting aside a chunk of time for activities other than studying, especially in the lead-up to major examinations. Contrary to popular belief, setting aside ample time to rest during this period is essential to avoiding burnout!

Whether it is going for a run, watching an episode or two of your favourite TV series or perhaps reading a book, maintaining a healthy balance between work and play will help improve your mental and emotional well-being during this incredibly stressful and exhausting period.

Tip #2: Establish a routine and schedule

Creating some sort of routine in the months leading up to your examinations will help you feel less stressed and prevent burnout.

Determine how much studying you can reasonably complete in a day. While it is vital to ensure that you schedule enough time to get through all of your study material, it is also equally as important to avoid trying to cram more studying into a day than you can manage.

Tip #3: Reach out to your loved ones for support

Friends and family who are encouraging during this stressful time will be invaluable. It can be easier for others to recognise the warning signs of burnout in you than it is for you to notice them in yourself.

Spending time with your loved ones is a great way to recharge. Moreover, if you’re facing any troubles, confiding in them can take a weight off your shoulders.


Exam preparation can be incredibly nerve-racking and stressful. We hope that the 3 tips we have shared above will prove useful in helping you avoid study burnout.

If you are looking for additional support, engaging a private tutor can help you in your exam preparation. Premium Tutors is a home tuition agency in Singapore that offers quality private tuition for students of various levels – from Math home tuition to English home tuition and more. Whether you are looking for a Primary Chinese tutor or a private English tutor in Singapore, our comprehensive pool of experienced tutors will be able to help you reach academic excellence.

To learn more, feel free to contact us today.

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